42°00 N 41°00 N 41°30 N 21°00 E 21°30 E 22°00 E
Recording AD 174 Dialect Gheg Albanian, central Gheg subdialect, from western Macedonia. Location Macedonia: region of Upper Pollog, village of Kalisht (Mac. Kalište). Coordinates 41°52' N, 20°51' E Speaker Zilbear Beqiri (aged 64). Subject Responses to linguistic questionnaire. Recorded by Lumnije Jusufi in Kalisht on 06 September 2006. Taken from: Lumnije Jusufi, Die zentralgegische Mundartgruppe in Mazedonien (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2011), track 6.9, with the kind permission of Dr. Jusufi. Duration 8:13